Kiran Manral
Author • Writer •
Author Kiran Manral is also a speaker and mentor. She has written in different formats including columns for Times of India, Scroll, The Telegraph and Cosmopolitan, short stories for anthologies such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Best Asian Speculative Fiction and City of Screams. Her novels traverse various genres from horror - The Face at the Window and More Things in Heaven and Earth, psychological thriller - Missing, Presumed Dead, non-fiction - Karmic Kids and 13 Steps to Bloody Good Parenting and detective fiction - Reluctant Detective and The Kitty Party Murder. She is also a multiple awardee having won the Women Achievers Award by Young Environmentalists Association and the International Women’s Day Award 2018 from the Indian Council for UN Relations (supported by the Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, Government of India), among others.