
Khayaal Patel


Khayaal Patel is a bestselling author. His book Tarikshir: The Awakening was consistently #1 on the Amazon bestseller charts in Indian Writing and Fantasy. His second book, The Zamindar's Ghost was a chart topper in horror and mystery. He has an unhealthy addiction to chocolate and, on occasion, eats cake for breakfast. Sometimes he wants to give up his writing career, train hard and fight crime dressed like a flying rodent. Until that happens, he's going to keep writing books in various genres.

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

Saturday 11 May

Words Woven in the Dark: Horror in Indian Writing

Panel Discussion

Ghosts, demons and monsters have always been a part of Indian stories. They represent our fears, taboos, insecurities, hidden desires and social inequalities. How has our relationship with these supernatural beings evolved? What role do they continue to play in our stories? This conversation will bring insights from writers who work with supernatural and horror elements to understand what skeletons lie in our collective closets, and whether we should befriend them.