City Scripts Monthly
18 October 2023
IIHS City Scripts
Cities have inspired a wealth of narratives throughout history. They are the background for experiences or work as characters themselves. These narratives archive pivotal moments, people and practices that make and unmake a city over the years. They allow an examination into the varied and enriching encounters with different facets of the urban experience.
City Scripts, an annual festival organised by the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), is a three-day celebration of writings that bring alive the city as seen through myriad lenses. Every year, we capture the essence of the city by curating a set of diverse engagements that gives us a glimpse of how cities have transformed, and how our lives change with it. We look at how contemporary narratives foreground our present concerns of living in the urban context.
City Scripts sessions are also held on a monthly basis to extend our interaction with our audiences. These intimate conversations allow us to deepen our engagement with the city and its people.